We are running for peace on May 20th 2017. Support DJPC with your donation. Any amount counts!

Starting-Line Colfax 5 kDJPC has a team of six runners that will cross the finish line in pursuit of $3000 for DJPC’s operating costs. Support us with your contributions to continue our solidarity work with the peoples of Latin America; through our work in Denver advocating and educating for human rights, environmental, and economic justice!

Will you help us achieve our goal? As of May 15th we have raised $1040!

Any amount counts!

To support DJPC go to DONATE and select Colfax Marathon donation category.

If you want to come cheer, the start location is Denver’s City Park. South of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We will start at 9am.

Keep us posted if you are a regular Colfax Marathon runner and have made us your Charity Partner: [email protected]

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