Say NO to TPP!

  ACTION ALERT FROM DJPC’S ADVOCACY COMMITTEE! Getting down to the wire! Say “NO” to Fast Track for the TPP~NOW! A bill to revive Fast Track — the legislation to push the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress — could be introduced very soon. At the moment, Senator Ron Wyden has the ability to decide the … Continue reading Say NO to TPP!


May Salon on Fair Trade: Highlights

Catherine Raveczky, one of the authors of DJPC’s Global Solutions to Violence curriculum, facilitated the evening’s discussion and engaged our participation through the popular education format. We started the evening by participating in a «Silent Thought Museum» where we walked around the room, viewing different visuals, and writing down our comments/reactions and  reflections to them. … Continue reading May Salon on Fair Trade: Highlights


May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade

The 2010 Salon Discussion Series invites you to join us for a presentation that explores ways to develop just trade policies and fair trade opportunities as the means to counter the effects of globalization and neoliberal economic policies. Catherine Raveczky, one of the authors of DJPC’s Global Solutions to Violence curriculum, will facilitate the evening’s … Continue reading May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade
