DJPC members demonstrate to close the SOA

One of the longest running, largest non-violent movements in the US is the one to close the School of the Americas/WHINSEC, a U.S. Army school that trains Latin American soldiers. Five members of DJPC attended the annual demonstration and vigil at Ft. Benning, GA on November 20-22, the twentieth anniversary of the SOA-led assassination of 6 … Continue reading DJPC members demonstrate to close the SOA


Quiet Genocide: Insights on Guatemala

A new book was recently published titled Quiet Genocide: Insights on Guatemala. Etelle Higonnet edited this  collection about the genocide in Guatemala from 1981 to 1983.  This new collection contains translated materials from the UN Historical Clarification Commission, and other insights into the atrocities that occurred during the 1980’s.  Follow this link to hear Etelle … Continue reading Quiet Genocide: Insights on Guatemala


Comunicado de EPAF sobre eventos en Bagua, Peru

COMUNICADO  A LA OPINION PUBLICA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL         El Equipo Peruano de Antropología Forense lamenta profundamente la innecesaria violencia y pérdida de vidas que tuvo lugar en Bagua el pasado fin de semana y expresa su  preocupación porque la tensa calma en la zona se vuelva a deteriorar. Por lo tanto, hacemos … Continue reading Comunicado de EPAF sobre eventos en Bagua, Peru
