Tell Newmont: drop your lawsuit against Máxima!

DJPC sisters and brothers: Yesterday, September 18th,  at around 9.30 a.m. local time, “people hired by mining firm Yanacocha illegally broke into the property and started damaging the lot with various tools,” said Ysidora Chaupe, daughter of Acuña and Jaime Chaupe. Click on the link to read the full article. Lea el articulo sobre … Continue reading Tell Newmont: drop your lawsuit against Máxima!


Thanks for the Holiday Party!

THANK YOU! DJPC’s HOLIDAY PARTY last Friday, December 12th,           was great fun,              with great food,                   and great music,                                                       and great company!  Special THANKS to Denys Vigil   for leading us in lively music! Thanks also to those who brought food and wine, and to those who helped set up and clean … Continue reading Thanks for the Holiday Party!
