Catherine Raveczky, one of the authors of DJPC’s Global Solutions to Violence curriculum, facilitated the evening’s discussion and engaged our participation through the popular education format. We started the evening by participating in a «Silent Thought Museum» where we walked around the room, viewing different visuals, and writing down our comments/reactions and reflections to them. … Continue reading May Salon on Fair Trade: Highlights
May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade
The 2010 Salon Discussion Series invites you to join us for a presentation that explores ways to develop just trade policies and fair trade opportunities as the means to counter the effects of globalization and neoliberal economic policies. Catherine Raveczky, one of the authors of DJPC’s Global Solutions to Violence curriculum, will facilitate the evening’s … Continue reading May Salon- Working Toward Fair Trade
April Salon on H2A Range Workers: Highlights
Professor Tom Acker teaches Spanish at Mesa State College and spoke about his experience interviewing and advocating for H2A Range Workers and their rights in Colorado. During his presentation, he spoke of the importance of having an inside connection with former H2A range worker, Mr. Ignacio Alvarado, who had experienced working conditions and knew where … Continue reading April Salon on H2A Range Workers: Highlights
Ending Immigrant Detention
By Tommy Timm When I was in Mexico recently, cab drivers and other service workers would volunteer that they had been in the U.S., often for several years before returning to Mexico. They would say they had picked corn in Iowa, harvested tobacco in North Carolina, picked blueberries in Maryland, done landscaping in California, worked … Continue reading Ending Immigrant Detention
Everyone welcome!
DJPC SPRING POTLUCK SOCIAL Friday, April 30, 2010 6:30 – 8:30 PM at DJPC’s office located in the Denver Inner City Parish 1212 Mariposa Street, Denver See all your DJPC friends! Meet lots of new members! DJPC events are known to have great food! Hear brief updates on all DJPC activities! See DJPC’s new office … Continue reading Everyone welcome!
April Salon- H2A Range Workers: Their Working Conditions and Efforts to Change Them
The 2010 DJPC Salon Discussion Series invites you to hear about the working conditions of Colorado range workers who are usually seasonal immigrants and efforts to change them. The speakers are Professor Tom Acker from Mesa State College, Mr. Ignacio Alvarado a former H2A range worker and Mr. Jacob Carpenter who is a video film … Continue reading April Salon- H2A Range Workers: Their Working Conditions and Efforts to Change Them
(English) March Salon on SOA demonstrations: Highlights
(English) February Salon on Haiti: Highlights
Conmemoración de Oscar Romero de El Salvador
DJPC está co-patrocinando una conmemoración de Oscar Romero, el Arzobispo de San Salvador, quien fue abatido a tiros hace 30 años, mientras él celebraba la misa católica. El evento memorial será el martes, 23 de marzo de 2010 a las 19:30 en la Iglesia Sto. Domingo, 29th Avenue & Federal Boulevard en Denver. romero flyer español