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(English) Blog
Únase a DJPC en la Manifestación pro Migrantes
(English) March Salon- 2009 DJPC SOA Protesters & Past Participants
(English) Tesorito Power Point Presentation
(English) DJPC in Guatemala!
(English) A Legacy of Oppression in Haiti
(The following was published in the Denver Post, online edition, January 24, 2010) By now, most are aware of the terrible toll the recent earthquake has had in Haiti. Not only has it caused tens of thousands of deaths, it has also destroyed hospitals, schools, and government buildings, obliterating the country’s few health care and … Continue reading (English) A Legacy of Oppression in Haiti
El martes, 12 de enero, a las 4:53 PM, el país caribeño de Haití fue destruído por un terremoto con magnitude de 7.0 al epicentro, solamente 10 millas al oeste del capital, Porte-au-Prince, que tiene mas de 2 millones de habitantes. Son miles de muertos. Son miles de los gravamente heridos. Y son miles que … Continue reading EMERGENCIA EN HAITI!
Unase a DJPC y miles de otros en una MANIFESTACION A FAVOR DE UNA REFORMA MIGRATORIA INTEGRAL a Manuel High School 1700 East 28th Avenue Denver Nordeste Miércoles, 13 de enero, 6:30 – 8:00 PM juntos con los invitados especiales: US Senador Michael Bennet, Senador Estatal Michnael Johnston, Representante Estatal Joe Miklosi, Miembro del Consejo … Continue reading MANIFESTACION A FAVOR DE UNA REFORMA MIGRATORIA INTEGRAL
(English) DJPC’s Position on Immigration
DJPC members demonstrate to close the SOA
One of the longest running, largest non-violent movements in the US is the one to close the School of the Americas/WHINSEC, a U.S. Army school that trains Latin American soldiers. Five members of DJPC attended the annual demonstration and vigil at Ft. Benning, GA on November 20-22, the twentieth anniversary of the SOA-led assassination of 6 … Continue reading DJPC members demonstrate to close the SOA