(English) Blog
Holiday Party 2014
Ericka Gibbard, greeting members at DJPC Holiday Party 2014
Viviana Susa Parra, Gloria Piper, Denys Vigil, & Rick Clifford lead DJPC in singing at the 2014 Holiday Party
Thanks for the Holiday Party!
THANK YOU! DJPC’s HOLIDAY PARTY last Friday, December 12th, was great fun, with great food, and great music, and great company! Special THANKS to Denys Vigil for leading us in lively music! Thanks also to those who brought food and wine, and to those who helped set up and clean … Continue reading Thanks for the Holiday Party!
YOU ARE INVITED! DJPC HOLIDAY PARTY Friday, December 12, 2014 6:30 – 9:00 PM at DJPC in Highlands United Methodist Church Hall 3131 Osceola, Denver, CO Bring a dish! Bring a drink! … Continue reading DJPC HOLIDAY PARTY!
Giving Thanks for All of You!
AWARDS NIGHT and SILENT AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014
BUILD FOR PEACE, Saturday, Oct. 18th
DJPC BUILD FOR PEACE CALLING FOR «BUILDERS» Saturday, Oct. 18th, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM We will be doing manual work (such as painting, repairs, etc.) for The Family Tree (http://www.thefamilytree.org/) who provide services to overcome child abuse, domestic violence and homelessness. Requirements for being a “builder for peace” are: 1. You must … Continue reading BUILD FOR PEACE, Saturday, Oct. 18th
October 16th Salon: PERU IN PERIL
October Salon Discussion Series 2014. Peru in Peril by the Peru Delegation (Jane Covode, Lynn Holland, Steve Piper, Kathryn Rodriguez, and Jerry Stookey ) The Peru delegation went to Cajamarca in July 2014 to witness firsthand the human rights abuses surrounding Newmont’s proposed Conga Mine. The Chaupe Family of Celendin, Peru Thursday, October. 16, … Continue reading October 16th Salon: PERU IN PERIL