(English) Blog

Thanks for the Holiday Party!

THANK YOU! DJPC’s HOLIDAY PARTY last Friday, December 12th,           was great fun,              with great food,                   and great music,                                                       and great company!  Special THANKS to Denys Vigil   for leading us in lively music! Thanks also to those who brought food and wine, and to those who helped set up and clean … Continue reading Thanks for the Holiday Party!



YOU ARE INVITED!   DJPC HOLIDAY PARTY Friday, December 12, 2014 6:30 – 9:00 PM at DJPC in Highlands United Methodist Church Hall                                      3131 Osceola, Denver, CO                                                                                      Bring a dish!                                                      Bring a drink!      … Continue reading DJPC HOLIDAY PARTY!


BUILD FOR PEACE, Saturday, Oct. 18th

DJPC BUILD FOR PEACE CALLING FOR «BUILDERS» Saturday, Oct. 18th, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM We will be doing manual work (such as painting, repairs, etc.) for The Family Tree (http://www.thefamilytree.org/) who provide services to overcome child abuse, domestic violence and homelessness.         Requirements for being a “builder for peace” are:        1. You must … Continue reading BUILD FOR PEACE, Saturday, Oct. 18th


October 16th Salon: PERU IN PERIL

October Salon Discussion Series 2014. Peru in Peril by the Peru Delegation (Jane Covode, Lynn Holland, Steve Piper, Kathryn Rodriguez, and Jerry Stookey ) The Peru delegation went to Cajamarca in July 2014 to witness firsthand the human rights abuses surrounding Newmont’s proposed Conga Mine.   The Chaupe Family of Celendin, Peru Thursday, October. 16, … Continue reading October 16th Salon: PERU IN PERIL


September 18th Salon on Central America

  DJPC September Salon Discussion Series   Elite Politics and Class Conflict in Central America. by Dr. Aaron Schneider Dr.Schneider is the Leo Block Chair at the Korbel Institute of International Studies at the University of Denver.  He is the author of «State-building and Tax Regimes in Central America» focused on the way in which insertion … Continue reading September 18th Salon on Central America


(English) Documentary Salon: «Thirst»

  DJPC’s 2014 Summer Salon Series presents the documentary film: THIRST directed by Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman.   62 minutes THIRST takes a piercing look at the global corporate drive to control and profit from our water…from bottles to tap. Don’t take water for granted!  it is a dwindling natural resource:  the Blue Gold of … Continue reading (English) Documentary Salon: «Thirst»
