Support DJPC in the May 20 Colfax 5K Run/Walk for Peace

Starting-Line Colfax 5 k

Director Rebeca will limp across the finish line in pursuit of $3000 for operating costs at DJPC. Support us with your contributions, come out and run/walk, and cheer.

DATE: Saturday, May 20, 2017


START LOCATION: Denver’s City Park.  South of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

DISTANCE: 5K (or run the distance you like!).

Learn more on how to participate Colfax 5K

To support DJPC go to DONATE and select Colfax Marathon donation category.

You want to do a different race! Go ahead, just keep us posted: [email protected]

If you are already a runner, you can select us as your charity partner. If  you know someone that already runs the marathon or any of the races, tell them to choose Denver Justice and Peace Committee from the drop down menu of charity partners:


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