Forum: Youth Perspectives of Border Militarization. A Report Back from SOA Watch Convergence

DJPC Forum April 2017

After 26 years of history at the gates of Ft. Benning, SOA Watch held its’ first Convergence in  Arizona, in order to respond to the present-day call to solidarity with Latin America.  SOA Watch aims to call attention to the militarization of the border and Latin America, at the same time that it demands for an end to state-sponsored terrorism and violence against our communities inside the United States.

In our upcoming Forum, a group of students from University of Colorado Denver -UCD that participated in the Convergence will be reporting back to the Denver community their experiences of the militarization of the border and migration. We will learn how their lives changed from what they lived and learned in Nogales, and how they continue to affect change by contributing to the work that Casa de Paz does in Denver for the undocumented migrant community.

PS. Please note the change in location.



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