Global Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining. July 22 @ 12noon

Join us for our annual action on the Day of Action Against Open Pit Mining!

DJPC action at Cripple CreekWe will be at the west steps of the State Capitol at 12 noon on July 22nd.

Individuals, activist, and organizations around the globe will be in action on July 22nd.

In 2009, opponents of the gold mine in Cerro San Pedro, Mexico, inaugurated the Global Day Against Mega Mining at the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City

In the years that followed hundreds of protests have been carried out to mark this day, 22nd July, in more than fifty countries and/or territories.

Whether they are operating in France, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina, Peru, Congo, Burma or Australia, mining companies are responsible for serious social and environmental impacts. They destroy the living environment, monopolise the natural wealth that is essential for human communities and all of life to thrive and transform farming and indigenous villages into areas for workers who rely on the companies to earn wages to survive.

This year more than ever, we – directly or indirectly opposed to destructive mining industry – will mobilise to say:

No to the planned destruction and sacrifice of an increasing number of territories! Yes to life-sustaining projects that help build alternatives to extractivism!

We call also, on all of those people who do not yet know that much of our water, our  land,  our peoples, our food crops, our culture, and ultimately also our microclimates, are seriously threatened by the rapid extraction of resources from Earth’s lands and seas, to use the Global Day Against Mega Mining to learn more.  We must all come to understand the magnitude of the extractive catastrophe that is under way and that must be stopped.

Before it is too late, we must all say YES TO LIFE, NO TO MINING!


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