(English) Documentary Salon: «Thirst»


DJPC’s 2014 Summer Salon Series
presents the documentary film:


directed by Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman.  
62 minutes

THIRST takes a piercing look at the global corporate drive to control and profit from our water…from bottles to tap. Don’t take water for granted!  it is a dwindling natural resource:  the Blue Gold of the 21st century.  Is it a human right for all or a commodity in the global marketplace?  

See trailer here: 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

7:00 – 9:00 PM

at Highlands United Methodist Church
3131 Osceola Street
Northwest Denver

free parking in church lot at 32nd & Osceola and on street

Denver Justice & Peace Committee
P. O. Box 12403
Denver, CO 80212
Tel. 303-623-1463

[email protected]
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