(English) Honduras: correspondents return with shocking testimonies


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3 thoughts on “(English) Honduras: correspondents return with shocking testimonies

  1. Re: Alberto Castillo Hyde, Pro-Bono Diplomat & thief at the least.

    June 22, 2012

    Dear President Lobo:

    I write to you today with high expectations that you will receive my concerns, evidence, and position,  in a positive and productive manner.  My company was the victim of a $1.5 Million theft by Ex-Pro Bono diplomat, Alberto Castillo Hyde, not the $450,000 and $300,000 repeatedly reported in the Spanish media. I write to you because it is the responsibility of your high office to appoint responsible diplomats of high moral character, obviously,  in the case of Alberto Castillo Hyde, that was not accomplished.

    On April 18  2012,  I met with the legal department at the Honduras Embassy in Washington D.C.  The purpose of my visit was two fold.

    Firstly, to enlighten your embassy on a matter that evolved around  Ex-Pro Bono  diplomat Albert Castillo Hyde. All of the many reports in the media, indicated questionable &  ludicrous explanations of the truth, concerning the origin and intent of Albert Castillo Hyde, and the two incidents attempting to smuggle $300,000 undeclared into  Benito Juarez airport in Mexico City on January 17, 2011.  During the month of June 2011,  he was arrested again at the Tocumen airport  in Panama city for carrying $450,000 cash undeclared in a suitcase.  Each time the Ex diplomat was arrested and released.  I produced several evidential documents with your embassy’s legal department, which they retained during my April 18th meeting.  It is on record that Law enforcement authorities in Panama, Mexico, and Honduras, as well as the media, professed their desire to investigate and receive tips, accurate facts,  and assistance concerning the obvious «Maletinazo».  I stand ready, willing, and able to produce 100% indisputable evidence to support my allegations of the entire criminal matter.

    Secondly, I seek your government’s assistance, in the return of the $1.5 Million dollars stolen from my company by Ex-Pro Bono diplomat Alberto Castillo Hyde. I respectfully direct this communication to your attention, in the spirit of justice, and the expectation of the rule of law prevailing. In addition, your government should seize the opportunity to display to  your people and the world, that your administration  intends to restore honest democratic principals and unhindered justice, regardless of possible consequences and embarrassment.

    My Dear Excellency, I was unable to convince your embassy in Washington D.C.,  to take suitable steps that would solve the so called Alberto Castillo Hyde  mystery. Likewise, the Panamanian, and Mexican embassies also decided to distance themselves from the egregious & brazen theft by the Ex Pro Bono Honduran diplomat, that also violated serious laws in the stated countries.

    I believe even Alberto Castillo Hyde could benefit from your intervention,  by establishing him as a common white collar criminal,  rather than a drug dealer, murderer, and money launderer, or is he that also?

    Thanking you in advance for your anticipated government’s intervention, as you can be certain, I will not go away anytime soon or in the future for that matter, until justice is served.

      Robert Shulman
      Managing Partner
      Sentenial Investment Group, Llc
      [email protected]

  2. Re: Alberto Castillo Hyde, Pro-Bono Diplomat, President of Fundacion Vamos Panama, & thief of  $1.5 Million Dollars. USA Representative of Fundacion Vamos Panama was Herbert E. Caswell, S & H Investment Firm  of Jacksonville Florida.

     June 30, 2012

     Dear President Lobo:

     I write to you today with high expectations that you will receive my concerns, evidence, and position,  in a positive and productive manner.  My company was the victim of a $1.5 Million theft by Ex-Pro Bono diplomat, Alberto Castillo Hyde, not the $450,000 and $300,000 repeatedly reported in the Latino media.  One needs to only (Google) Alberto Castillo Hyde for a complete description  of his fraud since June, 2011.  I write to you because it is the responsibility of your high office to appoint responsible diplomats of high moral character, obviously,  in the case of Alberto Castillo Hyde, that was not accomplished.

     On April 18  2012,  I met with the legal department at the Honduras Embassy in Washington D.C.  The purpose of my visit was two fold.

     Firstly, to enlighten your embassy on a matter that evolved around  Ex-Pro Bono  diplomat Albert Castillo Hyde. All of the many reports in the media, indicated questionable &  ludicrous explanations of the truth, concerning the origin and intent of Albert Castillo Hyde, and the two incidents attempting to smuggle $300,000 undeclared into  Benito Juarez airport in Mexico City on January 17, 2011.  During the month of June 2011,  he was arrested again at the Tocumen airport  in Panama city for carrying $450,000 cash undeclared in a suitcase.  Each time the Ex diplomat was arrested and released.  I produced several evidential documents with your embassy’s legal department, which they retained during my April 18th meeting.  It is on record that Law enforcement authorities in Panama, Mexico, and Honduras, as well as the media, professed their desire to investigate and receive tips, accurate facts,  and assistance concerning the obvious «Maletinazo».  I stand ready, willing, and able to produce 100% indisputable evidence to support my allegations of the entire criminal matter.

     Secondly, I seek your government’s assistance, in the return of the $1.5 Million dollars stolen from my company by Ex-Pro Bono diplomat Alberto Castillo Hyde. I respectfully direct this communication to your attention, in the spirit of justice, and the expectation of the rule of law prevailing. In addition, your government should seize the opportunity to display to your people and the world, that your administration  intends to restore honest democratic principals and unhindered justice, regardless of possible consequences and embarrassment. You must admit, his unbelievable explanations concerning the origin of the stolen funds, as well as the stated donation to Honduras, and his other explanations belong in a Disney cartoon.

     My Dear Excellency, I was unable to convince your embassy in Washington D.C.,  to take suitable steps that would solve the so called Alberto Castillo Hyde  mystery. Likewise, the Panamanian, and Mexican embassies also decided to distance themselves from the egregious & brazen theft by the Ex Pro Bono Honduran diplomat, that also violated serious laws in Panama and Mexico.

     The fact that Alberto Castillo Hyde has not been brought to justice  in over one year since the two incidents occurred,  when he was arrested and released twice, presents serious questions that must be addressed:

     A).  Did the Honduran Government engage in a in-depth investigation of the origin of Mr. Hyde’s bogus claims in his affidavit?  Was the Panamanian & Mexican authorities contacted as part of an investigation?   No need to contact Interpol, I already  contacted them.

     B).  Did the Honduran government receive the gift of $450,000 for social programs as claimed by Mr. Hyde?

     C). Was Mr. Hyde treated in the same manner as any other suspect, attempting to smuggle large sums of cash through customs, on two separate occasions?

     D). Did Mr. Hyde share his loot with any officials or law enforcement,  in order to receive preferential treatment?

     E).  Does you administration intend to ignore my allegations,  and my offer of providing full proof of my allegations against Mr. Hyde?

    F).  Was/ is Alberto Castillo Hyde engaged in money laundering & drugs?

     Thanking you in advance for your anticipated government’s intervention,  I am standing by for your response. You can be certain, I will not go away anytime soon or in the future for that matter, until justice is served.


       Robert Shulman

      Managing Partner

      Sentenial Investment Group, Llc
      [email protected]

  3. Open letter to:
    President Porfirio Lobo Sosa
    Tegucigalpa, Honduras

    August 25, 2012

    Dear President Lobo:

    I am following up with this communication in good faith,  in the event that you  have not seen or received the open letter recently sent to you and others.  I write to you again for several reasons listed below, that are as vital to you and your government as they are to me and my associates in our quest for justice.

    1). Your esteem office appointed Dr. Alberto Castillo Hyde as a Pro Bono Diplomat to
    Panama.  Maybe Diplomat Hyde was willing to work pro Bono, since being a diplomat was a great cover to steal & move cash and drugs unfettered?

    2).  The rule of law questions the liability, morality, and legality of witnessing or being aware of a crime, and standing by idle and doing nothing?  His United States representative Herbert E. Caswell, signed an affidavit that the $1.5 Million theft by Dr. Hyde was premeditated. Of course Mr. Caswell was a motivated participant while also attempting to enrich himself.

    3).  Dr. Hyde was apprehended in both Panama and Mexico, attempting to smuggle large sums of undeclared cash through security. ( You need only to Google «Alberto Castillo Hyde» ) to learn about the obvious crimes committed during 2011. In addition to the $1.5 Million embezzled from my company.  Mr. President, was Dr. Hyde investigated for money laundering & Drugs?  

    4). On April 18, 2012, I met with Minister Counselor Norma Cerrato, at the Honduras Embassy in Washington D.C. I provided indisputable documentation of the $1.5 Million fraud by the appointed diplomat.  In addition, I was advised that Ambassador Hernandez , and the Minister of Foreign Affairs was briefed on the fraudulent «Maletinazo».  As of this date I have been ignored, and that doesn’t please me at all.

    5). I have also contacted the Panamanian and Mexican Embassies in Washington D.C., since laws were broken in both countries, and there appears to be no interest in dealing with such a sensitive matter.  Mr. President, Ex-Pro Bono Hyde, obviously enjoyed special treatment, since he signed a ludicrous affidavit attesting to a $450,000 gift to the Honduran Government upon his arrest. If by some chance your government did receive the alleged gift from diplomat Hyde, it needs to be returned to my company pronto.  I question if he also shared his loot with  involved law enforcement in order for his release?

    Mr. President, I believe it is in the best interest of your country to deal with this matter expeditiously, by apprehending Alberto Castillo Hyde, and making him accountable for his crime. 100% proof of my allegations are available upon request, in addition to the obvious facts at hand.

    » The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword»


    Robert Shulman
    Managing Partner
    Sentinel Investment Group, Llc

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