Living in a Tz’utujil Maya Community in 2012

June 15, 2012

Dear advocates of world justice,

There is a taste of harmony, unity and justice in the air……something we have dreamed about, worked to achieve, and, at some level of our being, never believed could be possible.

Mystics are expressing it. Psychics are channeling it. Ancient Mayans predicted it. And now, we also are anticipating that SOMEthing will be happening in and around December 21, 2012.

I certainly am caught up in it having just returned from a five month spiritual journey in Guatemala with the Tz’utujil Maya in Santiago Atitlan.

What these signs portend gives us hope that change is possible, but however that hope may manifest, it will certainly not be served up to us on a silver platter. We still need to keep our focus on the prize, face clearly what is happening, continue to educate ourselves and others about systemic issues and work to change the systems and structures that impoverish individuals and communities……JUST the sort of things Denver Justice and Peace works on!

DJPC is currently working to expose the story of the degradation to people, communities and the environment caused by the mining abuses of multinational corporations. Our CAMINOS Guatemalan accompanier will soon visit Denver to share her experiences in accompanying indigenous leaders in danger because of their fight to resolve environmental and human rights abuses. And, at our monthly educational salons, we are sharing current news of issues in Mexico, Central America and South America……all with the aim of achieving lasting peace with justice in Latin America.

DJPC works beyond charity to achieve justice through systems change, work essential to bring about the new world order……and, we do this mostly through committed volunteers, so your donation is most cost effective.

We ask you to join with us in this important effort by volunteering with us and contributing to our effort. You can contribute on line at by clicking on the “Donate” button or by making a check payable to “DJPC education fund” and sending it to Denver Justice & Peace Committee; P.O. Box 12403; Denver, Colorado 80212. (It will greatly assist our cash flow if you would be willing to contribute monthly.) Also consider making a planned gift to DJPC in your will.

Sincerely yours,

Tommy Timm

Member DJPC board of directors

p.s. I will be speaking on 2012 and my experience with the Tz’tujil Maya, 7:00 pm at the July 19 DJPC Salon, 3131 Osceola in northwest Denver. Mark your calendar.


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